State Licensed. THOR Approved

All Programs are nicotine-free.

No smoking, dipping, vaping. Nicotine Patches are allowed while weaning off of tobacco over six (6) weeks. You must have stopped using tobacco prior to entering the program.
Housing Only program for SOBER men who have graduated from, or are now attending a Drug and Alcohol Treatment and Education Program $35.00 Background Check $200 Intake Fee $600 Monthly Fee 12 Month State Licensed, THOR Approved Residential Drug and Alcohol Treatment and Education Program Good Shepherd Recovery House is THOR (Transitional Housing for Offender Reentry) approved.  The intake process for Good Shepherd Recovery House (for men) begins with a phone call or email introducing yourself to us.  We will first conduct a phone interview to determine if you are a good fit for our program. We will discuss with you the rules and regulations to see if we are a good fit for you.  We do not accept anyone with sexual or violent battery offenses (a single misdemeanor battery charge is permissible), and we are a non-smoking program. You will be required to: complete a written application (go to the bottom of our front page) plus a 3 - 5 page written letter about why you would like to attend our Recovery Program. You can fax these to 888-826-6972, or email a scanned copy to
  • pay $35 for a criminal background report (non-refundable)

Once Application with Background Check Authorization is completed and returned, $35 is submitted for Background Check, and Background Check comes back without felony battery or sexual charges, the client is preliminarily accepted. Next comes the:

  • $500 NON-REFUNDABLE Fee to hold a bed for 30 days and to send an Acceptance Letter. Fees are for processing paperwork, phone calls with client, family members, lawyers, probation officers and courts to facilitate client's intake. Includes 1 court appearance on behalf of the client if required. After 30 days, the client will be put on a waiting list for the next available bed.
  • If client's request to enter Good Shepherd Recovery House is accepted by the court, the client must provide the first month's payment for assessments for their treatment plan and $100 for their medical exam.
  • ALL PAYMENTS FOR TREATMENT ARE NON-REFUNDABLE, even if client leaves program early.
  • First full month payment for treatment:
    • $1,000 (for basic recovery program - 1 document sent per month to supervising officer)
    • plus any proration for a partial month
    • plus above-referenced assessments fee of $200.
  • From thereon, services must be paid for in advance
    • $1,000 due by noon on the last business day of the preceding month.
  • $100 is due for Medical Examination and Testing upon intake. This includes Nurse Exam, TB & RPR tests, plus HIV and Hep ABC bloodwork. ***CLIENT MUST PROVIDE Proof of Covid vaccination or Results of Rapid Result Test.***Additional fees may include doctor visits, medicine, individual Resident transportation, or any other fee which is incurred on behalf of a specific Resident.
  • Transportation fees for driving individual residents to individual  appointments (group transportation is included in the program fees) vary depending upon the destination's distance from the House. This includes doctor appointments, job interviews, probation meetings, getting licenses re-instated, going to court, DUI classes, etc. The Fee list is included in the Policies and Procedures which each Resident receives prior to intake.
  • The program lasts for 12+ months.
    • Phase 1 lasts for 3 months (2 months if all classwork and program requirements are completed in that time), and the men cannot work during that period of time, but are immersed in intensive treatment. Therefore, for the first four (4) months ($4000), a family member or friend may need to cover their monthly and incidental fees if the men are unable to pay for it for themselves.
    • Phase 2 lasts for the remainder of the program, and we will assist the men with finding work and transportation through our network of contacts.  However, we do not provide them with a job and transportation. The men will have to take the initiative to look for and apply for jobs, AND find transportation to that job. The men must return back to the House every evening.
  • Payment may be made by:
    • credit card via Paypal,
    • automatic weekly or monthly Paypal subscription,
    • wire transfer / electronic deposit,
    • cash,
    • money order, or
    • personal check (if a check is returned for insufficient funds, personal checks will no longer be allowed, and there will be a $50 service fee for returned checks and delayed payment).
  • We offer different types of in-house working Scholarships depending on the current needs of the house. Click here to learn more.

For more information, email us through our web form or call us at 678-459-2346.

Click here for the Application: Good Shepherd Recovery House Resident Application

Transitional Housing ONLY

Please complete the application at the bottom of the front page. Good Shepherd offers Transitional Housing ONLY for people who have remained clean and sober after GRADUATING a minimum 12 month Drug and Alcohol Treatment and Education Program within twenty-four (24) months, or who are currently in Drug Court or an Intensive Outpatient Program. All Residents must:
  • Attend church at Ministry House or another church on Sundays
  • Attend House Meetings on Sunday Evenings
  • Complete household chores
Residents who are not in Drug Court or an Intensive Outpatient Program must also:
  • Attend a weekly 12-Step meeting.
  • Attend Monday night Relapse Prevention Class.
To be eligible for this Program, you must:
  • show proof of graduation from a minimum 12 month long Drug and Alcohol Treatment and Education Program (THOR approved or State Licensed or GARR approved) or current attendance in Drug Court or Intensive Outpatient Program. MUST provide references,
  • pass a drug test
  • pass a background check with no violent battery or sexual offenses
  • abide by all house rules
Acceptance into this program is on a case-by-case basis.
  • Intake Fee is $200.00.
  • Monthly Fee is $600.00 paid by the 1st day of the month.